If you are planning a visit to Machu Picchu in Cusco and you are a nature lover, you are probably wondering what kind of animals you will encounter there.
If you have seen pictures of friends, or posts in social media, you have probably seen pictures of llamas in Machu Picchu. But are there other animals in Machu Picchu besides them?
Machu Picchu is in between the highlands and the Peruvian jungle, so the area is home to rich wildlife.
There are 528 species of animals in Machu Picchu, out of which 423 are birds (if you are into birdwatching, this is a lifers paradise!).
Animals in Machu Picchu: Where to See Them
You can see some of the animals that live in the Machu Picchu area at the ruins themselves, but some you will only find in the surrounding area.
That means that if you walk the Inca Trail, that your chances of spotting wildlife will increase. Along the two or four days that your walk will last, you will have chances to encounter the Peru national bird, poisonous snakes, and more.
Let’s take a look at all the native animals you can find in Machu Picchu.
Llamas: The Most Common Animals in Machu Picchu

Llamas are the most common mammals that you will encounter in Machu Picchu, especially in the area of the ruins.
You will find these animals grazing around and will likely appear on the background of your Machu Picchu photos (just please make sure not to feed them!).
Llamas have been domesticated for thousands of years, and were used by the Incas for their meat and as beasts of burden. They are actually very common all along the Andes mountains.
Interesting facts about llamas:
- Besides the dogs that pulled the sledges of the Inuit, llamas were the only beasts of burden in the Americas before the Spanish introduced the horses.
- If a llama feels threatened, she will spit on you, so keep your distance!
Spectacled Bear

The Spectacled Bear is an animal that lives in the vicinities but doesn’t really like to be around humans.
That means your chances of spotting them are higher along the Inca trail than around the ruins area of Machu Picchu. Make sure to look at the top of the trees while you trek, to increase your chances of spotting one sleeping or eating some fruits.
But whenever the area of the ruins is less visited, they do show up. For example, there were registries of the Spectacled bears during the pandemic roaming around the ruins.
Interesting fact about the Spectacled Bears:
- Did you know that Paddington Bear (from the children’s books) is a Spectacled Bear that came from Peru? You can actually find a statue of Paddington Bear in Lima, near one of the entrances to Larcomar shopping mall.

The Cock-of-the-Rock is one of the most beautiful and unique birds you will find in Peru.
It is possible to see them on the two last days of the Inca Trail, hiding in between vegetation on the mountain cliffs. You can also spot them if you hike from the Hidroeléctrica to Aguas Calientes, or from Aguas Calientes to Machu Picchu.
Especially the males, which are of a shiny red or orange color, with a large disk-like crest on their heads. The females, on the other hand, are brownish and less striking, since it’s them who get to choose their partners and not otherwise.
Interesting fact about the Cock-of-the-Rock:
- It’s the national bird of Peru, but unfortunately its population is decreasing.
- The males gather in groups called leks to sing and perform for the females hoping to be picked by one as a partner. There is a lek 1km away from the railroads leading from Machu Picchu station to the Mandor Valley. Ask around to get a chance to see their display!

Condors are the most iconic birds in the Andes.
This large bird is one of the largest in the world that is capable of flight. They are really heavy (they can weigh up to 15kg), so they live in areas where wind currents allow them to glide with little effort.
These birds have been seen at the ruins of Machu Picchu and at the highest points of the Inca Trail.
Interesting facts about the Condor:
- If you are going to be traveling around Cusco and pay attention, you will notice that depictions of the Condor, the Jaguar and the Snake are present all around.
- These three animals are a very imporant part of the Andean symbolism, related to the link between the Heaven, the Earth and the Underworld. The Condor represents the link to the Heaven.

The Puma is the second biggest feline in South America.
Since it’s a nocturnal animal and prefers avoiding humans, you have to be very lucky (or unlucky) to meet one. But they do roam around Machu Picchu; research cameras have recorded several.
If you are trekking the Inca Trail, you have more chances to spot or hear one at night, around dense vegetation areas.
Interesting facts about the Puma:
- In the Andean triad, the Puma represents the Earthly plane, the meeting point between Heaven and the Underworld.
- Cusco city was built in the shape of a Puma, though you cannot distinguish the shape anymore due to the growth of the city.
Jergon Andino (snake)
Be careful with this snake! It’s one of the deadliest animals in Machu Picchu (but don’t worry, there are antidotes). Still, you would need to be very unlucky, but you could find it if you are walking the Inca Trail.
Interesting facts about snakes:
Un the Andean symbology, the snake represents the Underworld.

These cute creatures that look like rabbits are some of the interesting animals that you can see in the ruins area of Machu Picchu.
They are very active during sunrise and sunset. So outside of these times, pay attention to the stones of the walls; you might spot one sunbathing, something that they love to do!
Interesting facts about vizcachas:
- In the Andean tradition, they are considered the guardians of the lakes and the mountains.
Sachacabra (Andean Deer)

Sachacabras are tiny deer that roam around Machu Picchu.
Unfortunately, they are endangered and seeing them can be a bit difficult. Maybe you are lucky and spot them while trekking the Inca Trail. In Machu Picchu, these animals have been seen in areas between 2,000 and 4,000 meters above sea level.
Interesting facts about the sachacabra:
- Sachacabras are the smallest deers in the world, they are just between 30 and 40cm tall!
Optimus Lizard
These are one of the most recently discovered animal species in Machu Picchu.
Unfortunately, as soon as this new species was discovered, it was declared an endangered species.
Interesting facts about the Optimus Lizard:
- The Optimus Lizard was only discovered in 2022, around the time when the Transformers film was taking place in Machu Picchu. So they named this new lizard after one of the characters of Transformers.
Giant Hummingbird

Peru is a hummingbird paradise: there are around 350 hummingbirds in the world and you can find a third of them in Peru.
The biggest of all hummingbirds, is of course the Giant Hummingbird, which you can find around Machu Picchu and the Inca Trail.
Since it’s a big hummingbird, it flaps its wings slower, making it easier photograph.
Final Thoughts
As you can see there’s a great variety of animals in Machu Picchu.
You have better chances of spotting interesting ones if you hike the Inca trail. Still, if you just go for a day visit to Machu Picchu, if you pay attention, you will still be able to spot llamas, vizcachas and some others interesting animals around the ruins.